Dear Humanity: You Are Frayed, Not Broken

     Hey! So, you would be 100% accurate when saying that I have been M.I.A. in the blog space for the past six months or so. And for that, I apologize. However, I do have a fairly logical excuse- I simply have nothing to write about! I am a firm believer of "quality VS. quantity", and in turn have refrained from blogging useless ideas such as "what is the most popular color" or "how to interpret texting". Oh wait, I actually blogged those ideas. Come on 2013 me! Use your brain and actually process ideas before typing it out with as many typos as possible!!! Anyways, three years have passed and I come to you with a sharper mind and in hope to enlighten you with some facts and opinions.

     Now, I believe I have mentioned this before, but I am fairly confident that I know the audience of my blogs. You are either here because my parents sent your this link via Facebook or Whatsapp, you are a friend of me/ my parents, or you indeed are my parents. (Hi Amma! Hi Appa! Yeah, I was actually typing this up instead of cleaning my room... Sorry! Love you!). Anyways, I was pondering the whole idea to blog again. Then, it hit me- what if I could write a blog addressed to humanity?

     Yes, I know that it's a little far fetched. Fine, it's WAY out there. But here was my thought process: I am a teenager who has a lot to say and enjoys writing with a passion and sharing said writing with other people. What better way to communicate my thoughts on society than use the blog account I created three years ago?

     Here's the plan. I would like to publish an article/blog ever so often with a letter to humanity as a whole. Whether that means I blog once a week, every other week, or once a month. Basically, my school schedule determines my blogging schedule. Let's just hope I can substitute my precious Netflix time- uh... I mean studying! Yeah, studying time for blogging. Don't worry, I'll keep my education first, but I would also like to reboot the ole blogger.

     Maybe I should give you a little background on these notes that I'm planning to blog. I like to consider myself an optimist, so I try to stay positive no matter what the situation is. Even if that means flipping the whole situation upside down just to make the brighter side shine through. Hence, I have titled these letters: Dear Humanity: You Are Frayed, Not Broken. I wouldn't go as far as saying that today's society is broken beyond repair, although we are in a rigid crack. I feel like if we team up and address our problems in a civilized manner, we can solve these issues in a productive way. Even if it is simply recognizing a problem, anything will help.

     My plan is to publish the first note sometime this week, maybe tomorrow if time allows.

     Thank you for being patient with my irregular and absurd blogs. I promise that I will try and make these much better.

Thanks and have a good day!


  1. Cool! So excited to see what your blogs hold for us! Good luck!

  2. Looking forward eagerly to your thoughts.I am happy that you have decided to resume blogging.
    My best wishes to you.

  3. I wish I had an alert on my mail box whenever you uploaded a new blog! Will wait to get some insight.

  4. Your writing style is so fluent and attractive. Being optimistic is one of the most important virtues in life. Look forward to your next article. Good luck

  5. Cleaning the room can wait!


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