Dear Humanity: Imagine Your Ideal Reality (and make it happen!)

Dear Humanity,
Now I know that most of you all are past the age of exploring the power of your imagination. The floor is no longer made of lava. You and your imaginary friend had an argument and they moved to Texas. Consequently, you two have lost touch. We all still use our imagination, although it may not be to the extent of which we used it as small children. Ah. Childhood. The most mystical, yet simplest times of our lives. When everything was given to us and society’s image of you had no value.

Obviously, “times ain’t what they used to be”. Our imagination is obstructed by reality. But why? Realism has transformed into such a scary thing. No matter what you do, reality will always hunt you down and haunt you to the grave. However, what we may believe to be reality may not be real at all. The unthinkable could happen. One moment, life could be going fine and dandy, and the next, your world has been flipped upside down. We could go our whole lives believing something, but by one person's word, your beliefs can be contradicted.

Why do we hesitate to imagine what life could be if reality was ideal? Now, if you know me at all, I am a huge Beatles fan, and you know this reference was coming. 

"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us and the world will be as one"
-John Lennon "Imagine"

As cliche as these lyrics may seem, I believe that Lennon makes a exceptional point. Those who imagine the world as "perfect" typically long for others to join them in their imagination to picture reality as their ideal reality. Imagination, unlike curiosity, never killed a cat. Nor has it ever harmed us! What's the harm in imaging things to be a little different? Why does society tell us that having goals and aspirations is so atrocious?

That brings me to my next point- the difference between dreams and goals. Disney put it best, "A dream is a wish your heart makes," but that's it! I could dream about anything! To become a teacher. To become an astronaut. To win a Nobel Peace Prize. To become president. But here's the difference between goals and dreams- a goal is when you actually attempt to achieve those challenges by placing yourself in a positive mindset and by taking "baby steps" . If I wanted to win a Nobel Peace Prize, I can't simply sit around and do nothing. I have to actually get up and do something! 

So, imagine a world where your dreams could become goals, and your reality could be ideal. There is only one way to make that transfiguration, we must make a difference. Whether if that means making a change of your surroundings, situation, or yourself. 

Let's go back to imagining your ideal reality. What does "ideal reality" mean to you? Does that mean a world without taxes? A world with no wars? A world of happiness? To me, it is a world with no discrimination and a world where everyone's priority is spreading peace and love. After all, we are all human.

Just remember...
You are frayed, not broken. There is always hope



  1. Great mind . Good thoughts well said

  2. This is one of your best blog posts! Love you, girl!

  3. Nice write up Chellam... abstract topic handled very well.
    I too like Imagine, by John Lennon... but didn't quite analyze it.. Good job.

  4. Well thought and written Chellam. The world need to hear these kind of messages from young people like you. Imagine a world with youngsters with similar thoughts....

  5. Well thought and written Chellam. The world need to hear these kind of messages from young people like you. Imagine a world with youngsters with similar thoughts....

  6. Chellam I'm reminded of Dr kalams quote, dream is not which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep
    Best wishes dear

  7. Chellam I'm reminded of Dr kalams quote, dream is not which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep
    Best wishes dear

  8. Chellam I'm reminded of Dr kalams quote, dream is not which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep
    Best wishes dear

  9. Chellam I'm reminded of Dr kalams quote, dream is not which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep
    Best wishes dear

  10. Wow..such an inspiring post chellam!! God bless!

  11. Wow..such an inspiring post chellam!! God bless!

  12. Nice topic and well written. Dream, imagine.....topics much needed for all.


  13. A grown up thought from a little girl i had met.. You are with the right thoughts and the best post. I am proud of you.. Love you child! Yes , Dream only those that can be made as goals and finally hope for the success.. Well said
    Cheers for the babysteps you are taking.

  14. Thats a wonderful write up Chellam. Your thoughts are very much beyond your age.

  15. Wow amazing Cellam!!! Good job and Congrats to both the parents who gave her encouragement and upbringing. God bless you and hoping to see you publish a book one day. I love reading books and wait for your book!!!

  16. Excellent chellam. I can see that you have moved to a next higher level. You have presented the difference and similarity between dreams and goals. I agree completely. You have an amazing command of language. More than that, you have expressed abstract thinking that is more advanced than what is expected for your age. You are a blessing to this world chellam.

  17. Chellam. I like to see a blog on your views on religion and spirituality. Will you please write one?

  18. Great thoughts from a different perspective. Ideal reality to me is a world filled with non judgmental, uplifting communities, with little empathy and more love.

  19. Great thinking and awesome writing


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