
Showing posts from January, 2016

Dear Humanity: Imagine Your Ideal Reality (and make it happen!)

  Dear Humanity,   Now I know that most of you all are past the age of exploring the power of your imagination. The floor is no longer made of lava. You and your imaginary friend had an argument and they moved to Texas. Consequently, you two have lost touch. We all still use our imagination, although it may not be to the extent of which we used it as small children. Ah. Childhood. The most mystical, yet simplest times of our lives. When everything was given to us and society’s image of you had no value. Obviously, “times ain’t what they used to be”. Our imagination is obstructed by reality. But why? Realism has transformed into such a scary thing. No matter what you do, reality will always hunt you down and haunt you to the grave. However, what we may believe to be reality may not be real at all. The unthinkable could happen. One moment, life could be going fine and dandy, and the next, your world has been flipped upside down. We could go our whole lives believi

Dear Humanity: You Are Frayed, Not Broken

     Hey! So, you would be 100% accurate when saying that I have been M.I.A. in the blog space for the past six months or so. And for that, I apologize. However, I do have a fairly logical excuse- I simply have nothing to write about! I am a firm believer of "quality VS. quantity", and in turn have refrained from blogging useless ideas such as "what is the most popular color" or "how to interpret texting". Oh wait, I actually blogged those ideas. Come on 2013 me! Use your brain and actually process ideas before typing it out with as many typos as possible!!! Anyways, three years have passed and I come to you with a sharper mind and in hope to enlighten you with some facts and opinions.      Now, I believe I have mentioned this before, but I am fairly confident that I know the audience of my blogs. You are either here because my parents sent your this link via Facebook or Whatsapp, you are a friend of me/ my parents, or you indeed are my parents. (Hi Amm